Belfast’s Big Night Out
Friday 22nd September sees Belfast’s biggest annual celebration of culture and creativity as thousands of people will experience the very best live performance, dance, music, street-theatre, carnival, food and sport that Northern Ireland has to offer.
Culture Night has become something of a phenomenon in recent years. In 2016 up to 85,000 took part in the celebrations and this years numbers are set to be even greater as events will take place right across Belfast City in some landmark venues and in some perhaps more surprising locations.
The theme for this year’s Culture Night is Urban Ecology to reflect the interconnectivity of all things urban and creative. The organisers say that Belfast as a small city has a thriving eco-system of talent, creativity and ingenuity and Culture Night offers artists and performers the opportunity to showcase their creativity and talent to a wide and diverse audience, for many it may be their only experience of the local arts offering in the year.
In addition the key message that organisers are focusing on with their programme of events this year is ‘We can be more’ and see it as a reflection of how Culture Night and the city has grown and is growing. With events taking place between City Hall and the Harbour Commissioners Office, Culture Night has come along way from its humble beginnings.
Culture Night provides visitors and residents alike with the opportunity to experience the very best of Belfast’s cultural offering. From the art critic to the novice, Culture Night Belfast has something for everyone, and those that take part and immerse themselves in the more surprising elements of the programme will ultimately get the most from the night.
There will be special public transport links to the city centre on the evening with the official programme of events running between 1pm and 10pm while bars and restaurants across the city will continue the celebrations until the small hours.
The full Culture Night Belfast 2017 programme is available to download here.
Why not treat yourself to an overnight stay at the Stormont Hotel which is just minutes from the city centre and overnight packages for Friday 22nd September start from just £65 pps.
For reservations please use our online booking link here, or contact our team on 028 9065 1066
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